Stack Editor for 2D Image Stacks
The stack editor is a simple tool allowing user to do the following:
Visualise image processing to an image stack on each image (CLAHE, Brightness, Threshold)
Apply image processing to an image stack on each image (CLAHE, Brightness, Threshold)
Add dimensions or work out based on a graticule image to a stack
Crop whole stacks for field of view
Combine multiple 2D stacks into one (of the same size)

Easy Control
The simple to use control panel gives clear direction of image processing operations and allows for additions of image viewers at any point. Histograms and images at any point in the timeline give the user feedback on the effect of processing operations at each point of the 2D stack process.
Size Reduction
Compress whole stacks with a range of options such as None, LZW, JPEG and Deflate, reducing files sizes dramatically.
Use the in-built image crop feature to retain image virtual dimensions but remove non useful information.
Resize individual images with adjustment in output dimensions.
Stack editor can be used for a variety of applications such as:
Processing embryonic hearts and whole embryo datasets captured with HREM
Whole organ mounted image processing
Agricultural samples such as barley and chicken embryos
It can also be used for any serial image output application such as serial block face imaging or other 3D imaging techniques