Okolab temperature control T Unit with Temperature system

Okolab temperature with filter

Okolab temperature control T Unit with Temperature system
Bold Line Temperature Controller for Microscope Incubation
Control of temperature with stage top incubators and enclosures.
Full Description
Temperature unit for control of microscope incubation systems from 3°C above ambient to 40°C. Connected to a stage top incubator or enclosure, this unit controls temperature of the input air as well as flow rate to achieve a stable sample temperature.
Categories: Okolab Live Cell Incubation, Okolab Products
Temp Range: 3°C above ambient to 40°C
Accuracy: ±0.1°C
Display: OKO-TOUCH
Modes: Sample/Enclosure feedback
Controls: Temp and Flow Rate
Uniformity: Double air input/output
Efficiency: Low energy consumption
Filtering: HEPA option
Web Operation: Smart Box
Compatibility: NIS Elements, Metamorph, Micromanager
Related Products
Pair the Okolab H201-T-UNIT-BL with the following:
A smart UI based touchscreen for controlling the temperature for the T-UNIT do this with straight temperature control or perform cycles.
Smart box data logger
Log sample and environment temperature with the smart box data logger
Product Code/s
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